Breaking News

Air freight greenhouse gas emissions up 25% since 2019, analysis finds

Boom in air cargo due to shoppers expectations of speedy delivery and shift in post-pandemic economy, researchers say. Air freight operators have increased their greenhouse gas emissions by 25% compared with 2019, analysis has found.In 2023, air freight operators ran about 300,000 more flights than in 2019, an increase in flight volume of almost 30%.

Network Rail’s Western woes: the causes and effects

Philip Haigh lifts the lid on the Office of Rail and Road’s report into poor planning and performance issues on the infrastructure company’s Western and Wales routes.

Thursday, 27 June 2024

BBC News

Financial Times

The Guardian

  • Air freight greenhouse gas emissions up 25% since 2019, analysis findsBoom in air cargo due to shoppers expectations of speedy delivery and shift in post-pandemic economy, researchers say. Air freight operators have increased their greenhouse gas emissions by 25% compared with 2019, analysis has found.In 2023, air freight operators ran about 300,000 more flights than in 2019, an increase in flight volume of almost 30%.

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