Breaking News

Menzies chief: Airlines could ditch Heathrow if third runway isnt approved

Heathrow Airport has come a long way in recent years but its third runway plans are a must if it wants to stay competitive, the boss of the worlds largest airline services companies has said.

Rail devolution a process not an event says Welsh Government

The Welsh Government said its ask for rail devolution remains underpinned by a fair funding settlement from Westminster

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

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  • Train operator reveals outbreak of reckless vandalism East Midlands Railway has issued a critical safety warning after three trains collided with supermarket trolleys dumped on the line in Derby. A pushchair was also found. In one case, two young children were seen trespassing on the railway nearby. The incidents all occurred last month, but EMR has only now revealed the details.
  • Liberal Democrats promise to freeze rail fares The first major manifesto includes a promise to freeze railway fares and simplify the ticketing system. The Liberal Democrats also say that the party would extend railway electrification ‘significantly’, improve stations and accessibility, reopen smaller stations and complete Northern Powerhouse Rail.

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